Bibliography on History, Games, and Education


  1. Historical Games in Formal and Informal History Education 
  2. Historical Games and History / Historical Games as History 
  3. Designer Studies, Factors that Influence Design, and Production Studies
  4. History Games as Historical Problem Spaces (HPS framework)
  5. Historians/Archaeologists/Educators Designing History Games for Education
  6. Designing Games for Academic History and Archaeology
  7. Archaeogaming. Archaeology of Games and in Games 
  8. Ancient History and Historical Games
  9. Medieval European History, Medievalism, and Historical Games
  10. Historical Games and Early Modernity
  11. US Western History and Games
  12. World Wars and Digital Historical Games
  13. Imperialism, Colonialism, and Hegemony in and around Games
  14. Race and Historical Games
  15. Games and Nostalgia
  16. Sid Meier’s Civilization and History 
  17. Simulation & Game Design and Use 
  18. Games and Learning; Games and Simulations in Education
  19. Formal Analysis of Video Games (Including Literary Analysis)
  20. Interactive History, Text and Narrative / Storytelling
  21. Issues of Pedagogy Relevant for Using Gaming in Education
  22. History of Games and Study of Games in Society
  23. The Discipline of History and History Education, Counterfactual History
  24. Media Literacy
  25. Game Theory

Historical Games in Formal and Informal History Education

Alexander, J. W. (2013). Civilization and enlightenment: A study in computer gaming and history education. The Middle Ground Journal, 6.

De Angeli, D., Lee, S., O’Neill, E., Finnegan, D.J. and A. Bull. (2018). Agnostic Games: Multiperspective and Unsettling Games for Social Change. Chi Play Proceedings (online)

Devlin-Scherer, R., & Sardone, N. B. (2010). Digital simulation games for social studies classrooms. The Clearing House83, 138-144.

Egenfeldt-Nielsen, S. (2005). Beyond edutainment: Exploring the educational potential of computer games (Doctoral dissertation).

Elliott, A.B.R. (2017). Simulations and Simulacra: History in Video Games. Práticas da História 5: 11-41.

Gilbert, L. (2019). Assassin’s Creed reminds us that history is human experience: students’ senses of empathy while playing a narrative video game. Theory and Research in Social Education 47(1): 108–137.

Hanes, L. and R. Stone (2018). A model of heritage content to support the design and analysis of video games for history education. Journal of Computer Education

Houghton, R. (2016) Where did you learn that? The self-perceived educational impact of historical computer games on undergraduates. Gamevironments. (Gamevironments of the Past available online)

Houghton, R. (2021). If you’re going to be the king, you’d better damn well act like the king: Setting authentic objectives to support learning in Grand Strategy Computer Games. In K Alvestad and R. Houghton eds. The Middle Ages in Modern Culture: History and Authenticity in Contemporary Medievalism,  IBTauris

Kempston, T. and N. Thomas (2019). Creating Simulations: Pseudo-Reality and Learning Environments. Journal of Political Science Education. DOI:

Lee, J. M. (1994). Effectiveness of the use of simulations in a social studies classroom. Retrieved from

Loban, R. (2022). “I never asked for it, but I got it and now I feel that my knowledge about history is even greater!”: play, encounter and research in Europa Universalis IV. Journal of Games Criticism5(1), 1-30. (available online

Loban, R. (2021). Modding Europa Universalis IV: An informal gaming practice transposed into a formal learning setting. E-Learning and Digital Media, 20427530211022964.  

Loban, R. (2021). Europa Universalis IV and Deep Learning: Historical Accuracy, Counterfactuals and Historical Themes. Loading: The Journal of the Canadian Game Studies Association14(24), 26-47. (available online

Loban, R. (2021). The transformation from physical wargames to grand strategy video games, and the opportunities for deep and efficient historical wargaming experiences. Digital Culture and Education13(1), 81-107. (available online

Loban, R. (2017). “Digitising Diplomacy: Grand Strategy Video Games as an Introductory Tool for Learning Diplomacy and International Relations.” DiGRA Conference. (available online

Marsh, C. J. (1981). Simulation games and the social studies teacher. Theory into Practice, 187-193.

Mavrommati, M., Bousiou, D., and P. Corbeil (2013). Learning to “do history” through gameplay. The Computer Games Journal 2, 68-84. (online)

McCall, J. (2022). Gaming the Past: Using Video Games to Teach Secondary History. Routledge.

McCall, J. (2012). Navigating the Problem Space: The Medium of Simulation Games in the Teaching of HistoryThe History Teacher 45 , 9-28.

McCall, J. (2014). Simulation games and the study of the past: classroom guidelines. In  K. Kee, ed. Pastplay: Teaching and Learning History with Technology. University of Michigan Press, 2014  (free digital download)

McCall, J. (2016). Teaching history with digital historical games: an introduction to the field and best practices. Simulation & Gaming 47, 517-542.

McCall, J. (2019). Playing with the past: History, video games, and why it might matter. Journal of Geek Studies 6, 29-48. (available online)

McCall, J. (2010). The Happiness Metric in CivCity Rome and the Critique of Simulation Games,” 9/27/1010.

McCall, J. (2010). “The Unexamined Game is Not Worth Playing?” 11/24/2010

McMichael, A. (2007). PC games and the teaching of history. The History Teacher40, 203-218.

McCready, Samuel. 2021. Playing and Making History: How Game Design and Gameplay Afford Opportunities for a Critical Engagement with the Past. Dissertation submitted to the faculty of graduate studies: Graduate program in Communication and Culture, York University. (available online)

Metzger, S. and R. Paxton. (2016). Gaming history: A framework for what video games teach about the past. Theory and Research in Social Education: 1-33.

O’Neill, K. and Feenstra, B. (2016). “Honestly, I Would Stick with the Books”: Young Adults’ Ideas About a Videogame as a Source of Historical Knowledge. Game Studies16(2). (available online)

Perrotta, K.A. and J.R. Feinberg. (2016). Using Digital Simulations for teaching the Constitutional Convention in Undergraduate History. Social Studies Research and Practice 11(1): 158-176. (online)

Rantala, J. (2018) Simulations as tool for teaching historical agency: A case study in Finland, in C. Wright-Maley ed., More Like Life Itself: Simulations as Powerful and Purposeful Social Studies. Information Age

Robison, W. B. (2013). Stimulation, not simulation: An alternate approach to history teaching games. The History Teacher46, 577-588.

Roussos, G. (2015). When Good Intentions Go Awry: The counterintuitive effects of a prosocial online game. Psychology Today. Posted December 7, 2015.

Schick, J. B. (1984). Computer software: Historical games. OAH Newsletter12(3), 14-15.

Schick, J. B. (1985). Microcomputer simulations in the classroom. History Microcomputer Review1(1), 3-6.

Schick, J. B. (1988). Historical choices. History Microcomputer Review4(1), 15-20.

Squire, K. (2004). Replaying history: Learning world history through playing Civilization III (Doctoral dissertation).

Vas, J. (2017). Four Categories of Video Games in the Practice of History Teaching. In D. Edit and S.F. Oradea (eds.), Staféta (2): 211-227.

Waddington, D.I., Thomas, T., Davidson, A-L., Venkatesh, V., and K. Alexander (2014). Education from inside the bunker: Examining the effect of Defcon, a nuclear warfare simulation game, on nuclear attitudes and critical reflection. Loading: The Journal of the Canadian Game Studies Association, 7(12), 19-58.

Wainwright, A. M. (2014). Teaching historical theory through video games. The History Teacher, 47, 579-612.

Watson, W. R., Mong, C. J., & Harris, C. A. (2010). A case study of the in-class use of a video game for teaching high school history. Computers & Education, 56, 466-474.

Weir, K., & Baranowski, M. (2011). Simulating history to understand international politics. Simulation & Gaming, 42, 441-461.

Worthington, T. (2018)Letting Students Control Their Own Learning: Using Games, Role-Plays, and Simulations in Middle School U.S. History Classrooms. The Social Studies, 109: 136-50

Wright-Maley, C. (2015). Beyond the “Babel problem”: Defining simulations for the social studies. The Journal of Social Studies Research, 39, 63-77.

Historical Games and History / Historical Games as History

Apperley, T. (2013). Modding the Historians’ Code: Historical Verisimilitude and the Counterfactual Imagination. In Kappell, M. and A. Elliot (Ed.) Playing with The Past. Bloomsbury.

Apperley, T. (2018). ‘Counterfactual Communities: Strategy Games, Paratexts and the Player’s Experience of History’, Open Library of Humanities, 4(1): 15 DOI:

Azrioual, S. (2016). Playing the Story: Configuration of Historical Time in Video Games. MA Thesis History of Society, Erasmus University, School of History, Culture, And Communication.

Carvalho, V. (2017). Videogames as tools for social science history. The Historian, 79,  794-819

Cassone, V.I. and M. Thibault (2016). The HGR Framework: A Semiotic Approach to the Representation of History in Digital Games. In D. Fewster and Y. Grufstedt, (eds). Gamevironments Special Issue: Gamevironments of the Past. 146-204.

Chapman, A., Foka, A. and J. Westin (2016). Introduction: what is historical game studies? Rethinking History: The Journal of Theory and Practice,  1-14. (available online)

Chapman, A. (2016). Digital Games as History: How Videogames Represent the Past and Offer Access to Historical Practice. London: Routledge.

Copplestone, T. (2017). But that’s not accurate: the differing perceptions of accuracy in cultural-heritage videogames between creators, consumers and critics. Rethinking History 21: 415–438.

De Angeli, D., Scott, L., O’Neill, E., Finnegan, D., and A. Bull (2018). Agonistic Games: Multiperspective and unsettling games for a social change. Chi Play 18 Extended Abstracts: 103-8

Ghys, T. (2012). Technology trees: Freedom and determinism in historical strategy games. Game Studies: The International Journal of Computer Game Research12(1). Retrieved from

Gilbert, L. (2019). Assassin’s Creed reminds us that history is human experience: students’ senses of empathy while playing a narrative video game. Theory and Research in Social Education 47(1): 108–137.

Henthorne, T. (2003). Cyber-Utopias: The politics and ideology of computer games. Studies in Popular Culture25(3): 63-76.

Houghton, R. (2018). World, structure and play: A framework for games as historical research outputs, tools, and processes. Práticas da História, 7: 11-43.

Houghton, R. (2021). Scholarly History through Digital Games: Pedagogical Practice as Research Method. In Ariese, C., Boom, K.H.J, van den Hout, B., Mol, A.A.A, and A. Politopoulos (Ed.) Return to the Interactive Past. Sidestone.

Kapell, M. W., & Elliott, A. B. R. (2013). Playing with the past: Digital games and the simulation of history. London, England: Bloomsbury Academic.

Kee, K. (2008). Computerized History Games: Narrative Options. Simulation and Gaming. DOI: 10.1177/1046878108325441

MacCallum-Stewart, E. & Parsler, J. (2007) Controversies: historicizing the computer game. Situated Play, Proceedings of DiGRA 2007 Conference: 203–210. (available online)

McCall, J. (2012). Historical simulations as problem spaces: Criticism and classroom use. Journal of Digital Humanities 1.

McCall, J. (2018). Video games as participatory public history. In D. Dean, ed. The Companion to Public History. Hoboken: Wiley and Sons.

McCall, J. (2020). “The Historical Problem Space Framework: Games as a Historical Medium,” Game Studies, 20.3.

Shaw, A. (2015). The Tyranny of Realism: Historical accuracy and politics of representation in Assassin’s Creed III. Loading 9(14):

Stouraitis, E. (2018). Deconstructing the Historical Culture of Massively Multiplayer Online Games: A Participatory Interactive Past. International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, and History Culture, Yearbook 39, 31-52 (Online)

Taylor, T. (2003). Historical simulations and the future of the historical narrative. Journal of the Association for History and Computing6(2). Retrieved from

Wainright, A.M. (2019). Virtual History: How Videogames Portray the Past. Routledge.

Uricchio, W. (2005). Simulation, history, and computer games. In Raessans J. and J. Goldstein (Eds.), Handbook of Computer Game Studies Cambridge, MA: MIT: pp. 327-338. (online)

Vowinckel, A. (2009). Past futures: From re-enactment to the simulation of history in computer games. Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung34, 322-332.

Von Lunen, A., Lewis, K.J., Litherland, B. and P. Cullum. (2019) Historia Ludens: The Playing Historian. Routledge

Wright, E. (2018). On the promotional context of historical video games. Rethinking History, 1-11.

Designers, Factors that Influence Design, and Production Studies

Grufstedt, Y. (2022), Shaping the Past: Counterfactual History and Game Design Practice in Digital Strategy Games. DeGruyter.

Johnson, S. (2023). You Have No Idea How Hard It Is To Run A Sweatshop, Part 1 and Part 2. Designer Notes, 9/6/2023 and 9/7/2023. The GDC 2023 videos of these talk:

Wright, E. (2022). Rockstar Games and American History: Promotional Materials and the Construction of Authenticity. DeGruyter

History Games as Historical Problem Spaces (HPS framework)

McCall, J. (2012). Navigating the Problem Space: The Medium of Simulation Games in the Teaching of HistoryThe History Teacher 45 , 9-28.

McCall, J. (2020). “The Historical Problem Space Framework: Games as a Historical Medium,” Game Studies, 20.3.

McCall, J. (2021). “Agents and Obstacles: Videogames as Historical Problem Spaces” (May 2021) Historical Problem Space Talk in Helsinki 5/19/21 – YouTube

Historian/Archaeologist/Educators Designing History Games

‘Digital Munya 2.0: Using Unity & VR for Immersive Experiences of a Medieval Islamic Villa’, Creative Informatics Research Blog, University of Edinburgh, 25 April 2022.

‘Episode 26: The One Where We Talk To Dr. Glaire Anderson’ [on working at the intersections of the digital, history, art and architecture,’ , Michael and Myles (M&M) podcast, School of Education, University of Edinburgh, August. 

Graham, S., 2014. Rolling your own: On modding commercial games for educational goals. Pastplay: Teaching and learning history with technology, pp. 214-227.

Graham, Shawn, Tom Brughmans, and Iza Romanowska 2022. “On Building FORVM: Making Our Research On The Roman Economy Playable… and Fun.” ISAW Papers (2022).

Kee, Kevin, Tamara Vaughan, and Shawn Graham. “The haunted school on horror hill: A case study of interactive fiction in an elementary classroom.” In Gaming and Simulations: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications, pp. 1405-1416. IGI Global, 2011.

Designing Games for Academic History and Archaeology

Bazile, Julien 2022. An “Alternative to the Pen” Perspectives for the Design of Historiographical Videogames. Games and Culture 17(2022), 855-870

Graham, Shawn. “Pulling Back the Curtain: Writing History through Video Games.” Web Writing: Why and How for Liberal Arts Teaching and Learning. University of Michigan Press/Trinity College ePress edition Available at:< http://epress. trincoll. edu/webwriting/ch (2014)

Graham, Shawn.”On games that play themselves: Agent based models, archaeogaming and the useful deaths of digital Romans.” In Angus Mol et al, eds, The interactive past: Archaeology, heritage, and video games (2017): 123-131.


Archaeogaming: Archaeology of and in Games

Aycock, J. 2016. Retrogame archeology: Exploring old computer games. New York: Springer. DOI: or report this

Champion, E. 2011. Playing with the past. London: Springer. DOI:

Copplestone, T and Dunne, D. 2017. Digital media, creativity, narrative structure and heritage. Internet Archaeology, 44. DOI:

Ford, D. (2021). The haunting of ancient societies in the Mass Effect trilogy and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Game Studies, 21(4).

Gardner, A. 2008. Playing with the past: A review of three ‘archaeological’ PC games. European Journal of Archaeology, 10(1): 74–77. DOI:

Graham, Shawn. 2017. “On games that play themselves: Agent based models, archaeogaming and the useful deaths of digital Romans.” In Angus Mol et al, eds, The interactive past: Archaeology, heritage, and video games (2017): 123-131.

Graham, Shawn 2020. An enchantment of digital archaeology: raising the dead with agent-based models, archaeogaming and artificial intelligence.  Berghahn Books, 2020.

Graham, S. 2020 An Approach to the Ethics of Archaeogaming, Internet Archaeology 55.

Lynch, R, Mallon, B, and Connolly, C. (2015). The pedagogical application of alternate reality games: Using game-based learning to revisit history. International Journal of Game-Based Learning, 5: 18–38. DOI:

Mol, AAA. (2014). Play-things and the origins of online networks: Virtual material culture in multiplayer games. Archaeological Review from Cambridge, 14(1): 144–166.…/Play-Things_and_the_Origins…

Mol, AAA, Ariese-Vandemeulebroucke, CE, Boom, KHJ, Politopoulos, A and Vandemeulebroucke, V. (2016). Video games in archaeology: Enjoyable but trivial? SAA Archaeological Record, 16(5): 11–15.{%22issue_id%22:356358,%22view%22:%22articleBrowser%22,%22publication_id%22:%2216146%22,%22article_id%22:%222638854%22}

Mol, A.A.A. Ariese, C., Boom, K., Politopoulos, A., (2017). The Interactive Past. Archaeology, Heritage, and Video Games. Leiden, Sidestone Press

Morgan, C. 2009. (Re-)building Çatalhöyük: Changing virtual reality in archaeology. Archaeologies: Journal of the World Archaeological Congress, 5(3): 468–487. DOI:

Morgan, C. (ed.) (2016). Video games and archaeology. SAA Archaeological Record, 16(5).

Politopoulos, A., Ariese, C., Boom, K. and Mol, A., (2019). Romans and Rollercoasters: Scholarship in the Digital Playground. Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology, 2(1), pp.163–175. DOI:

Politopoulos, A., Mol, A., Boom, K., & Ariese, C. (2019). “History Is Our Playground”: Action and Authenticity in Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey. Advances in Archaeological Practice, 7(3), 317-323.

Reinhard, A. (2018). Archaeogaming: An Introduction to Archaeology in and of Video Games. Berghahn.

Smith Nicholls, F. 2018. Virtual dark tourism in The Town of Light. In: Champion, E (ed.), The phenomenology of real and virtual places, 223–237. New York: Routledge. DOI:

Szczepanska, Timo, Andreas Angourakis, Shawn Graham, and Melania Borit. “Quantum Leaper: A Methodology Journey From a Model in NetLogo to a Game in Unity.” In Advances in Social Simulation: Proceedings of the 16th Social Simulation Conference, 20–24 September 2021, pp. 191-202. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

Ancient History and Historical Games

Ford, D. (2022). Mytholudics: Understanding games as/through myth (Doctoral dissertation). archa

Hatlen, J. F. (2012). Students of Rome: Total War. In Thea S. Thorsen (ed.), Greek and Roman Games in the Computer Age, Trondheim Studies in Greek and Latin, Trondheim , p. 175-198. (online)

McCall, J. (2019). Gaming the Past Designer Talk 3: Philippe Malacher (Field of Glory: Empires) Spotify

McCall, J. (2019). Gaming the Past Designer Talk 4: Richard Bodley Scott (Field of Glory 2). Spotify

McCall, J. (2020) Digital Legionaries: Video Game Simulations of the Face of Battle in the Republic in C. Rollinger, ed. Playing with the Ancient World: Representations of Antiquity in Video Games, Bloomsbury 2020.

Thorsen, T. S. (2013). Greek and Roman games in the computer age. Oslo, Norway: Akademika Forlag.

Rollinger, C. ed. (2020) Playing with the Ancient World: Representations of Antiquity in Video Games,  Bloomsbury 2020.

Vandewalle, A. (2023). Video Games as Mythology Museums? Mythographical Story Collections in Games. International Journal of the Classical Tradition. Advance online publication.

Medieval European History, Medievalism, and Historical Games

Baillie, J. (2023). ‘From Vardzia to Val Royeaux: Identity, Oppression and Power between Medieval Caucasia and Modern Games’, in Koenig, Denk, Pfeiffer, Wernbacher & Wimmer (eds.), Freedom, Oppression, Games and Play Krems: 207-232.

Cooijmans, C. (2023). ‘Plunder, Pillage, and Power-ups: Four Decades of Vikings in Video Games’, EPOCH 13 (available online).

Fewster, D. (2015). The Witcher 3: A Wild and Modern Hunt to Medievalise Eastern and Northern .Europe. Gamevironments 2: 158-180.

Ford, D. (2019). Beyond the wall: The boundaries of the neomedieval town in singleplayer roleplaying games. Proceedings of the 2019 DiGRA International Conference: Game, Play and the Emerging Ludo-Mix. 

Houghton, R. ed. (2020), The Middle Ages in Modern Games: Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1. (available online)

Houghton, R. ed. (2021), The Middle Ages in Modern Games: Conference Proceedings, Vol. 2. (available online)

Houghton, R. (2021). If you’re going to be the king, you’d better damn well act like the king: Setting authentic objectives to support learning in Grand Strategy Computer Games. In K Alvestad and R. Houghton eds. The Middle Ages in Modern Culture: History and Authenticity in Contemporary Medievalism,  IBTauris

Kline, D. (2014). Digital Gaming Re-imagines the Middle Ages. London: Routledge.

Wolterink, J (2017) Authentic Historical Imagery: A Suggested Approach for Medieval Videogames. Gamevironments, issue 6, 1-33. (available online)

Wright-Maley C., and J. Parag (2018). All fall down: Simulating the spread of the Black Plague in the high school history classroom. The History Teacher 50, 517-34 

Historical Games and Early Modernity

Winnerling, T. and F. Kerschbaumer, eds.(2014). Early Modernity and Video Games. Cambridge

US Western History Games

Wills, J. (2008). Pixel cowboys and silicon gold mines: Videogames of the American West. Pacific Historical Review, 77, 273-303.

Wright, E. (2022). Rockstar Games and American History: Promotional Materials and the Construction of Authenticity. DeGruyter

World Wars and Games

Aguirre Quiroga, S. (2022). White Mythic Space: Racism, the First World War, and Battlefield 1. DeGruyter.

Chapman, A. (2016). It’s Hard to Play in the Trenches: World War I, Collective Memory and Videogames. Game Studies16(2). (available online)

Gish, H. (2010). Playing the Second World War: Call of Duty and the telling of history. Eludamos: Journal for Computer Game Culture4, 167-180. Retrieved from

Kempshall, C. (2015).The First World War in Computer Games. Palgrave Macmillan.

Kempshall, C. (2015).Pixel Lions: The Image of the Soldier in First World War Computer Games. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 35(4): 656-672.

Kempshall, C. (2020).War collaborators: documentary and historical sources in First World War computer games. Rethinking History 10(203).

Koski, J. (2016). Reflections of history: representations of the Second World War in Valkyria Chronicles. Rethinking History.

Potzsch, H. and V. Sisler (2016). Playing cultural memory: framing history  in Call of Duty: Black Ops and Czechoslovakia 38-39: Assassination. Games and Culture 14(1): 1-23. (online)


Imperialism, Colonialism, and Hegemony in and around Games       

Borit, C., Borit, M., and P. Olsen (2018). Representations of Colonialism in Three Popular, Modern Board Games: Puerto RicoStruggle of Empires, and ArchipelagoOpen Library of Humanities, 4: 17.

Seif El Nasr, M., Al-Saati, M., Niedenthal, S., and D. Milam (2008). Assassin’s Creed: A Multi-Cultural Read. Loading 2(3).

Faiduti, B.(2017). Postcolonial Catan, in Torner E, Waldron, E. and A. Trammell (eds.) Analog Game Studies Vol. II. Pittsburg: Carnegie Mellon.

Ford. D. (2016)“eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate”:Affective Writing of Postcolonial History and Education in Civilization V. Game Studies, 16.

Hammar, E. (2020). Playing Virtual Jim Crow in Mafia III – Prosthetic Memory via Historical Digital Games and the Limits of Mass Culture Game Studies 20(1). (available online)

Hammar, E. (2017). Counter-hegemonic commemorative play: marginalized pasts and the politics of memory in the digital game Assassin’s Creed: Freedom Cry. Rethinking History 21(3).

Harrer, S. (2018) Casual Empire: Video Games as Neocolonial Praxis. Open Library of Humanities, 4(1): 5, pp. 1–28, DOI: https://doi. org/10.16995/olh.210

Keefer, K. (2023). ‘Freedom and Slavery: Designing Player Experiences in the 18th
Century Sierra Leone Estuary’, in Koenig, Denk, Pfeiffer, Wernbacher & Wimmer (eds.), Freedom, Oppression, Games and Play. Krems, 255-280.

Lammes, S. (2010). Postcolonial Playgrounds: Games as Postcolonial Cultures. Eludamos 4(1): 1-6.

LaPensée, E. (2020). SPEAR: a framework for Indigenous cultural games. ANTARES: Letras e Humanidades, 12(28), 4-22. 

LaPensée, B. A. (2008). Signifying the west: colonialist design in Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs. Eludamos. Journal for Computer Game Culture2(1), 129-144. 

Loban, R., & Apperley, T. (2019). Eurocentric values at play: Modding the colonial from the indigenous perspective. In Video games and the global south (pp. 87-100). Pittsburgh, PA: ETC Press. (available online

May, L. (2022). Virtual Heterotopias and the Contested Histories of Kowloon Walled City. Games and Culture, 17(6): 885–900.

Mukherjee, S. (2015). The playing fields of empire: Empire and spatiality in video games. Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds: 299-315.

Mukherjee, S. and Hammar, E.L. (2018). Introduction to the Special Issue on Postcolonial Perspectives in Game Studies. Open Library of Humanities, 4(2): 33, pp. 1–14. DOI:

Poblocki, K. (2002) Becoming-state: the bio-cultural imperialism of Sid Meier’s Civilization. Focaal – European Journal of Anthropology 39: 163–177. (available online)

Soares, G. (2019). Civilization and Strategy Games’ Progress Delusion. Vice.


Race and Historical Games     

Aguirre Quiroga, S. (2022). White Mythic Space: Racism, the First World War, and Battlefield 1. DeGruyter.

Sid Meier’s Civilization and History (See also, Imperialism and Colonialism Games and in Games)

Burns, A. (2002). Civilization III: Digital game-based learning and macrohistory simulations. Retrieved from

Capps, K. (2016) What Civilization VI Gets Wrong about Civilization. Citylab.

Chapman, A. (2013). Is SId Meier’s Civilization History? Rethinking History 17(3).

Ford. D. (2016)“eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate”:Affective Writing of Postcolonial History and Education in Civilization V. Game Studies, 16.

Koebel, G. (2017). Simulating the ages of man: Periodization in Civilization V and Europa Universalis IV. Loading … , 10(17), 60-76. (available online)

Friedman, T. (1999) Civilization and Its Discontents: Simulation,  Subjectivity, and Space. In. G. Smith (ed.), Discovering Discs: Transforming Space and Genre on CD-ROM. (online)

“Civilization IV and V as Gamic Histories” (April 2020) (link)

McCall, J. (2019). Gaming the Past Designer Talk 1: Soren Johnson (Civilization IV) Spotify

McCall, J. (2019). Gaming the Past Designer Talk 2: Jon Shafer (Civilization V). Spotify

Mol, A. Politopoulos, A., and C. Ariese (2017). From the Stone Age to the Information Age. History and Heritage in Sid Meier’s Civilization VI. Advances in Archaeological Practice

Mol, A., A. Politopoulos (2018). One More Turn Season 1

Mol, A., A. Politopoulos (2018). One More Turn Season 2

Owens, T. (2011). Modding the History of Science: Values at play in modder discussions of Sid Meier’s civilization. Simulation & Gaming42, 481-495.

Poblocki, K. (2002) Becoming-state: the bio-cultural imperialism of Sid Meier’s Civilization. Focaal – European Journal of Anthropology 39: 163–177. ((available online))

Soares, G. (2019). Civilization and Strategy Games’ Progress Delusion. Vice.

Squire, K. (2004). Replaying history: Learning world history through playing Civilization III (Doctoral dissertation).

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Games and Nostalgia

Campbell, J. (2008). Just less than total war: Simulating World War II as ludic nostalgia. In Whalen & L. Taylor (Eds.), Playing the past: History and nostalgia in video games (pp. 182-200). Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt.

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Mejía-Alandia, D. A. (2023) “From retro-gaming to post-communist Utopias: notes on the aesthetics and politics of nostalgia in video games in the wake of the launch of ‘Atomic Heart’.” In: GameCult Talks event #6: Games, philosophy, and utopías, May 6, 2023, Centre of Excellence in Game Culture Studies, University of Jyväskylä, Finland.

Simulation & Game Design and Use

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Games and Learning; Games and Simulations in Education

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Formal Analysis of Video Games

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Interactive History, Text and Interactive Narrative

McCall, J. (2018). “Path of Honors: Towards a Model for Interactive History Texts with Twine”. Epoiesen. (available online)

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Issues of Pedagogy Relevant for Using Gaming in Education

Guiller, J., Durndell, A. and A. Ross (2008). Peer interaction and critical thinking: face-to-face or online discussion?. Learning and Instruction18, 187-200.

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Moreno, R., Mayer, R.E., Spires, H.A. and J.C. Lester (2001). The case for social agency in computer-based teaching: Do students learn more deeply when they interact with animated pedagogical agents? Cognition and Instruction,  19, 177-213.

Moreno, R. & Mayer, R.E. (1999). Cognitive principles of multimedia learning: The role of modality and contiguity, Journal of Educational Psychology91, 358-368.

Semb, G.B. and Ellis, J.A. (1994). Knowledge taught in school: What is remembered? Review of Educational Research64, 253-86.

History of Games and Studies of Games in Society

Wolf, MJP. (ed.) 2015. Video games around the world. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. DOI:

Wood, K.(2018). A history of play in print: Games from the Renaissance to Milton Bradley. Center for Gaming Research Occasional Paper Series 44, 1-13.

The Discipline of History and History Education, Counterfactual History

Bransford, J., Brown, A., and Cocking, R. (Eds.) (1999). How people learn . Washington D.C.: National Academy Press.

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Ferguson, N. (1997). Virtual History: Alternatives and Counterfactuals. New York, NY: Basic Books.

McCready, Samuel. 2019. “Playing the Past and Alternative Futures: Counterfactual History in Fallout 4.” Loading…The Journal of the Canadian Games Studies Association 12 (20): 15–34. (available online)

Megill, A. (2007). Historical knowledge, historical error: A contemporary guide to practice. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago.

Rouet, J-F., Britt, A.B., Mason, R.A., and Perfetti , C.A. (1996). Using multiple sources of evidence to reason about history. Journal of Educational Psychology 88 (3), 478-493.

Spoehr, K.T. and Spoehr, L.W. (1994). Learning to think historically. Educational Psychologist29 (2), 71-77.

Sternberg, R.J. (2003). What is an “expert student?” Educational Researcher, 32 (8), 5-9

VanSledright, B.A. (2002). Fifth Graders Investigating History in the Classroom: Results from a Researcher-Practitioner Design Experiment. The Elementary School Journal103, 131-160.

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Wineburg, S.S. (1991a). Historical problem solving: a study of the cognitive processes used in the evaluation of documentary and pictorial evidence. Journal of Educational Psychology, 83 (1), 73-87.

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Media Literacy

Beach, R., Anson, C., Kastman-Breuch, L. and T. Swiss (2008). Teaching Writing Using Blogs, Wikis, and Other Digital Tools. Norwood, MA: Christopher Gordon.

Eagleton, M.B. and Dobler, E. (2007). Reading the Web: Strategies for Internet Inquiry, New York: Guilford Press.

Game Theory

Barash, D.P. (2003). The survival game: how game theory explains the biology of cooperation and competition. New York: Times Books.

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Garris, R., Ahlers, R. and J. Driskell, Games, motivation, and learning: A research and practice model. Simulation & Gaming, 2002, vol. 33, 441-67.